Τel: (0030) 26610 44555 - (0030) 26610 31367

Mob: (0030) 6944 410085 - (0030) 6945 157341

Memorial Organization, Funeral Services Nikolaos Patelis, Corfu, GreeceMemorial is called the ceremony that takes places in memory of the deceased, and is a part of our religious tradition. The Christian religion considers it very important for the comfort of the soul of our loved ones, while the relatives and friends οf the deceased person have the opportunity to honor once again his memory.

Our office undertakes all the necessary procedures, in order to perform impeccably organized memorial ceremonies, according to your own needs and preferences, and with respect to the memory of your loved one.

Our religion defines the frequency of memorial services that follow the burial of our loved one. More specifically, the following ceremonies take place:

  • Memorial that takes place 3 days after the funeral
  • Memorial that takes place 9 days after the funeral
  • Memorials of 40 days, 3 months, 6 months and 1 year
  • Memorial of 3 years

Most memorials are performed on Sunday, always with the Divine Liturgy. The Divine Liturgy is the main part of the memorial, which is why we have to offer two Prosphora, oil, incense, wine and Koliva (boiled wheat). Koliva are offered to recall the words of our Lord: "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain" (John 12:24), and are a symbol for the ressurection of the body.

Please contact our office, in order to schedule in time the memorial service for your loved one, in church or in cemetery, and to organize all the procedures required. More specifically:

  • We schedule the date, time and place of the memorial service
  • We print and wall post the memorial notifications in the areas you wish
  • We arrange the announcement of the ceremony in the newspaper, if you wish
  • We arrange the flower decorations of the church in which the ceremony will take place
  • We offer a wide variety of Koliva platters and decorations
  • We offer a wide variety of boiled wheat bags, teaspoons and cakes, for which there is also a choice of various designs
  • We cooperate with the best professionals in the field of memorial service articles, such as Koliva plates, foodstuff and packaging, so there is a wide range of choice
  • Upon completion of the ceremony, Koliva are shared to the atendees, and we also offer coffee and cognac